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Pre Production
Hansen VTF Labs is committed to its partnership with the aftermarket manufacturers in a pursuit of continual improvement and the development of parts of the utmost quality. Pre-production testing services are readily available to those wishing to function test their respective prototypes and initial products prior to mass production to catch any defects in design or production.
Certification Testing
Hansen VTF Labs has been involved in certification testing for the better part of this decade. For those who wish to have their parts tested at Hansen VTF Labs as a part of various aftermarket certification programs please contact us for more information regarding the service.
The first assumption is that the original service parts fit the vehicles in question. However, through independent studies it has been discovered that on average upwards of 40% of service parts provided by the original manufacturer do not fit when compared to the original parts. In the body shop there is no other option outside of using used parts in a repair if the original service part does not fit. As a result body technicians often are forced to modify the service parts to get a proper fit.
In fact, the original manufacturers are currently sending out modification instructions to help the body technicians make their part fit.
The original service part is the basis from which aftermarket parts are produced. As a result aftermarket parts are mirroring the defective designs and the failure rate of aftermarket parts often matches the percentage of service parts requiring modification.
For this reason, Hansen VTF Labs has developed Master Part Selection (MPS) to assist the manufacturers in selecting a master part from which quality aftermarket parts should be produced.
In the past several years Hansen VTF Labs added digital scanning capabilities to its respective services. Through the Tooling Verification Process (TVP) we are able to provide digital scans of the requested parts. In doing so, we are able to provide real vehicle data to the manufacturers assisting them in their capture of data for the production of their respective parts. We are able to digitally send a manufacture the data they require without their having to purchase a vehicle to have shipped to their locations.
Jig and Fixture Creation
To fulfill a growing need for accurate jigs and fixtures for photometric testing and mold verification Hansen VTF Labs in conjunction with Hans-Shi has developed a service to create such jigs and fixtures for those requiring them. True vehicle data is acquired through the use of digital scans and a master part is selected to ensure the credibility and accuracy of all jigs or fixtures created.
CAD and R&D assistance
To further assist the manufacturer Hansen VTF Labs in conjunction with Hans-Shi has developed a service to assist with CAD and R&D. If so desired we are capable and qualified to help in the analysis of all digital scan data provided by TVP. Included in this is the capability of converting the produced STL files to other subsequent files including those common to machine code and the like.